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  • Writer's pictureErik Lugnet

Ásatrú Trúlögmál

Ásatrú Trúlögmál: The fundamental beliefs of the Asatru Folk Assembly.

You can find it on our website at

We have known for a long time that a clear expression of the fundamental beliefs of the AFA was needed and recently, we took the first steps in presenting that in a clear and straight forward way. Please know this is the first step and is by no means all-encompassing. The intention here is to express the very fundamentals of our religion in one place, in a way that is easy for our AFA family to reference as well as a document to explain our religion to those who ask: "What is it that you guys believe?"

Hail the Heroes of Ásatrú that paved the way!

Hail the Asatru Folk Assembly!

Hail the Æsir!

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