Önd, The Vital Breath
Continuing our discussion on the Soul Complex, this month we are discussing the Önd, the vital breath. We will be using Stephen McNallen’s Ásatrú, A Native European Spirituality as well as Runelore by Edred Thorsson as our primary material.
It was among the gifts of Óðinn and his brothers given at the creation of our Folk.
From Völuspá, we read….
"Spirit gave Óðinn, sense gave Hoenir, blood gave Lodur, and goodly colour."
In Old Norse, "Önd gaf Óðinn, óð gaf Hœnir, lá gaf Lóðurr, ók litu góða."
In Thorpe’s translation we see Önd translated as spirit. Webster defines spirit as “a force within a human being thought to give the body life, energy and power.”
It is the divine spark, that which animates the body, the spirit, the consciousness.
From Runelore, “The önd is the divine spark, the all pervasive energy on which all life is based…The concept is similar to the Indian prána, and even the word itself is related to the Sanskrit ātman (spirit, self). It is the bridge to higher levels of being."
I like to compare the Önd to electricity. A light bulb without current to it, is still a light bulb. With the electric current is its complete self, providing light in the dark. You disconnect that current, the light goes out. It is the same with Önd. It is much more than “breath” it is your connection to divine current, the wind of the cosmos. Once disconnected, we fall short of what we are meant to be. The current is still there, it discharges elsewhere, and the self is not what it is destined to be. Remember your life before Ásatrú, that is you without Önd. Wandering,lost, no purpose, no place. Squandering your existence, having g no direction. We lack awareness without the connection to Önd.
We often use Galdr in magical practice. Some use meditation. In the literal sense, this is where breath work comes into play. Using Önd to work your Will. When using Galdr, you are using your breath to manifest cosmic consciousness, through breathing and vibration or sound. While in a meditative state, your breathing is vital. Breathing in slowly, for four to five counts, holding it for one count and a controlled release for four or five counts. Hold for one. While you are controlling your breathing this way, your resting heart rate begins to lower. Then you begin visualization or whatever your technique from there. It all begins with controlled breathing, using your Önd.
Önd is the first of Óðinn´s gifts; let us not waste it. Speak bright words, when you Galdr, focus on your breathing, breathe with intention. Use your words with intention.
Dedicate 30 minutes per day to exercising your Önd. Using the formula above, breathing in 4 or 5 counts, hold for 1 count, release for 4 or 5 counts and hold for 1. Then repeat for :30. The body will eventually mimic sleep, while remaining lucid and conscious. This is where the mind and body need to be when doing magical work, between consciousness and unconsciousness. At a natural threshold as it were.
Repeat this for 30 days. You can expand on the rhythm as you’d like, perhaps breathing in and out for a count of ten, but go at your own rate.
Spiritual exercise begins with discipline. The Lìk is another example, through training and discipline, we shape the chariot of Blood and Flesh, to manifest our Will in Miðgarðr. The exercise of Önd also requires discipline and should not be rushed.
The Önd is the bellows that feeds the flame upon the altar of our hearts. Let that light never diminish. Let it burn ever bright as a beacon to those who are lost, let it be the signal fire around which your folk gather.
It is my hope that the reader finds this material useful, and put the exercise to use, to further yourself, it is our duty to sacrifice ourselves to our ourselves. To give that which you are to that which you desire to be, what you are destined to be.
Witan Daniel Young