Regardless of what you go through, the very core of who you are will remain. You are made to build from within, and the external assignments from the outside are unnecessary. In fact, to truly build yourself it may be necessary to completely strip away all of that. Become who you are with what you truly are.
There is always the chance for an awakening. Each awakening offers an opportunity to reach up and grab the new. There is always the choice to be better, and those chances are always around you. Nothing can thrive in stagnation, growth and change need to occur. Whether or not you are in control of the change or simply affected by it depends on how you greet the new day.
You can have all of the money in the world, and still not be prosperous. A man who dies alone, dies alone. At the end of the day, your money won't light a candle for you in remembrance.
It's good to be comfortable, don't get it wrong. Money has purpose, but it shouldn't be your purpose. It is a tool, something useful, something to build with. Use it to brighten your future, and ensure that your name lives on.
Hail the Folk!
Gyðja Anna Plourde