We are our DEEDS!
This month I would like to take a moment to remind everyone that Ásatrú is about what we do. I had the honor of attending Freyr's Harvest Feast in Montana and it was great to see ideas and dreams become action and accomplishment. This event has been hosted on Folkbuilder Tyler Heinlein's homestead. I have heard countless people talk about homesteading and I am proud to see that Tyler has actually done it and continues to do so. We all shared a wonderful weekend in a space he and his associates have built and are building. Dreams became deeds.
We all have things we dream on and ways we want our lives and our futures to be different. Far too few of us take actions to build those dreams and shape our lives and futures. Tyler dreamt of a homestead and a meadery. Some may have similar dreams; many will doubtlessly have wildly different dreams. With effort and persistence, we can all shape our reality to more closely fit our dreams, piece by piece, brick by brick. I am reminded and inspired to always work to make Victory happen.
As we celebrate the Autumn and the harvest, let's nurture our dreams and make firm plans on the deeds necessary to make those dreams reality. We are building dreams of generations together as a Folk and as a church; teamwork makes the dream work.
Hail the Æsir!
Hail the Folk!
Hail the AFA!
Matthew D. Flavel
Alsherjargoði, Asatru Folk Assembly